The bottom line is that we contain these multitudes and we should have the freedom and space to both act or not act upon these however we wish. Whether we want to live out our multitudes through the roles we play in society, or whether we wish to play out our multitudes through the contradictory thoughts that cycle through our brains.
#Storyo pony series
A series that explores how as women and gender diverse folk we refuse to be defined according to what others seek to define us as.

This March, we are celebrating this freedom at Storyo through our ‘Women contain Multitudes’ series. And why do we still need to define people anyways? Isn’t there beauty in letting them do that all by themselves? In his poem, Song of Myself, Walt Whitman wrote: “Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes)” Who says I need to choose one and define myself as either an introvert or extrovert or ambivert? Who defines such things? These boxes exist even more so for non-binary people being defined by their gender label (or absence of it) and not by the multitudes they contain. When people say ‘I contain multitudes’ they mean that they have differences within them and these play out in the choices they make and lives they lead.įor example, in seeking energy I may want to dance all night singing my heart out or I may want to sit in perfect quietness as the morning sun seeps into the room while I contemplate my day ahead - both actions bring a sense of something to my soul. within ourselves that can both complement or contradict each other. Multitudes refers to having varying thoughts, roles, paths etc. I can do that all by myself and if I need support or advice on that, you will know society, you will know. Nope, we can certainly do it, but are we perpetuating unhealthy expectations of women when we leave them with a feeling of ‘Am I doing enough?’ It can be exhausting and at the same time rather confusing. I, personally, don’t wish to be told who I am nor who I need to be.

We do need to be cautious though - Are we now expecting women to take on more than they need to? That is not to say that women can’t do this. But that hasn’t stopped us from embracing other roles in addition to the ones previously defined for us or even disregarding those roles altogether. These are ongoing and, concerning themes, heavily influenced by the patriarchy and the subordination of women (among other oppressed groups). Historically, our society has placed people in boxes - it was easier to define and control people that way. It’s sometimes easier for people to accept that these are 5 different people but not one person made up of all those things.Įspecially interesting when this is considered together with the instinctual human need within us for change, variation and difference in what brings us joy. It is interesting that in this day and age there are still many that entertain a perception that we are meant to follow a single path or have one thing that gives us purpose For example, I am a teacher, I am a mother, I am a recovered drug addict, I am a pianist, I am queer.